Andrus Wagstaff Law Blog

Traveling Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe Trip November, 2012 Romania, Transylvania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary. Bucharest to Budapest by river on a Viking Cruise ship up the Danube River. It seemed intriguing, despite the fact that it was to be in late fall, so Colleen and I signed on. Below is a copy of my journal, together with some […]

Fred and Vance’s Golf Book

All: Fred Thompson and I are working on “Fred and Vance’s Golf Book,” a compendium of insight gained through our many rounds of golf with all of you. We are sure you’ll find this a useful tool to help you enjoy your game, and suggest you send your advance reservation payment of $39.95 immediately. Chapter […]

O Five Thirty

Vance R. Andrus 4:30 came early to the mountains that Monday — its arrival announced by a shrill squeal from the fire department radio beeper located inches from his head. Robert struggled up from a fitful slumber, fighting to regain consciousness enough to understand the words pouring forth from the small black box. “Forest fire […]

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